New language?

Language education allows students/people to have a better understanding of other people’s thoughts, feelings and cultures. It generates a greater capability of comprehension of different realities, tolerance and respect for the human being as well as a better knowledge of the world.

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Foreign language learning process

Have a look to Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience and what it is showing us about learning a language:

Being part of the learning process - "Learn by doing"

I believe that all the approaches contribute to learn a language, although I consider that the best one is the "task-based approach" since it allows students to develop autonomy, creativity, learning to learn, take initiative, seek solutions and select the strategies that better fit a specific task.
A pedagogical task is a work plan that requires the student to process the language pragmatically to achieve a result that can be measured as right or adequate to the task, for which the student needs to pay attention to the meaning, using his or her own linguistic resources, even though the task predisposes them to work in certain ways.The tasks have a structure, a sequence, created carefully with a specific objective and a particular intention to learn a foreign language.
The tasks and activities that are proposed in class are varied and attractive; in accordance to students’ interests, their academic/ professional needs and their diversity in learning styles. The authentic educational materials created allow the students to develop the written and spoken expression, the reading and listening comprehension and especially, oral interaction; taking into account the verbal and non-verbal communication, the phonic ability and working with the learning strategies used in oral discourse, written expression and comprehension that allow to achieve the desired level of competence.

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Check these blogs to know other reasons to learn Spanish:

Aprendiendo Español como lengua extranjera:

Learning Spanish as a Foreign Language